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> FAQs

Why Methadone?

Methadone can be administered as part of a long-term pain maintenance plan, but it also serves the crucial function of helping break addiction to opioids. Methadone is effective in this process because, though it has a similar effect to other opioids, it works more slowly. Methadone also blocks the effects of other opioids in a person’s system diminishing the craving for opioids. Given the rise of opioid addiction in recent years, opioid replacement therapy has become increasingly essential, so Shaz and his team at Brisbane Methadone Clinic are prepared to help those who want to find stability, beat addiction or simply need a controlled long-term solution for their pain.

Methadone effects / What are the effects of methadone ?

Sedation, euphoria, drowsiness, pain relief, and feelings of relaxation

What is a methadone clinic used for?

Provide Opioid replacement therapy in a controlled and regulated environment where patients are treated for addiction and pain

How does the methadone treatment work?

Methadone is part of a treatment plan to help patients addicted to heroin or other opioid narcotics. Methadone has a similar effect to other opioids but with a slower action. It also blocks the effects of other Opioids such as heroin, Codeine and Morphine thereby reducing the likelihood of a patient overdosing if they take additional Opioids outside of the treatment regime. Methadone reduces withdrawal symptoms and reduces Craving for Opioids.

Is methadone used as a painkiller?

Used to treat moderate to severe pain and can be used long term for chronic pain patients. This was it’s original use.

What is the purpose of a methadone clinic?

Provide strong Opioid based medicines to patients on maintenance treatment or to wean them off of it in a controlled fashion.

What happens at a methadone clinic

Patients are administered a dosage of medicine and/or given takeaway doses as directed by the prescriber, while under supervision of a pharmacist who monitors their treatment on a more regular basis.
methadone effects / What are the effects of methadone
Sedation, euphoria, drowsiness, pain relief, and feelings of relaxation

Are you a 24 hour methadone clinic?

Not 24 hours but we operate for 81 hours/7 days per week. Check out our detailed operating hours in the footer below.

Are you an online methadone clinic?

Opioid Treatment medicines must be supplied to the patient in the pharmacy.

What about methadone addiction?

Methadone is addictive and can be misused which is why it is a Schedule 8 Controlled medicine. It can only be supplied by a registered health professional by prescription and its delivery, supply and patient administration is closely monitored by Government Health Authorities.

What is methadone made of?

Methadone is a synthetic made Opioid created by WW2 Germany as a pain reliever.

Methadone effects / What are the effects of methadone

Sedation, euphoria, drowsiness, pain relief, and feelings of relaxation

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